Is It Dangerous To Not Fear Death?
Fear is usually regarded as a negative thing, but when we lose the fear of death, we might be more likely to take our own lives. How can we avoid falling into this grim trap?
The Thin Line Between Grief & Madness
This post explores how grieving can make people feel like they are going crazy, although it is a necessary process for healing.
The Void Is Calling (Derealisation Strikes)
This article explores derealisation, or feeling like the world around you or yourself is not real.
Do Abusers Know They’re Abusive?
This post discusses abusers and whether they are aware of their actions. It also offers candid advice to abuse victims.
Somatic Responses to Traumatic Anniversaries
This post explores some of the different responses registered during anniversaries of traumatic events. Note: I am not a mental health professional.
Grief, Alienation, & Discomfort
This post explores why some people abandon others during times of hardship, as well as how people can genuinely help those who are grieving.
Saying No to Self-Erasure
In this post, I explore how self-erasure can develop and lead to the inability to advocate for oneself. Remember that you are important. Your life matters.
It’s Not Love… Just Trauma Bonding
In this article, I explore the concept of trauma bonding and how it can masquerade itself as love. I also touch upon the related topic of intermittent reinforcement.
Harmful Effects of Beauty Standards
With the omnipresent reach of the modern media putting constant pressure on women to conform to a certain mold of beauty, I explore some of the damage caused by Western beauty standards.
Withholding Affection for Punishment
Not all forms of abuse are overtly obvious. Today I explore a form of emotional abuse that is centered around withholding affection as a form of punishment and control.