Body Dysmorphia & Extreme Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is not an issue for many people, but body dysmorphia can cause people to pursue extreme plastic surgery to disastrous results.
Reclaiming the Body (Pt. 2)
In the second part of this candid essay, I focus on the battle to reclaim one’s image.
Reclaiming the Body (Pt. 1)
In the first half of this candid essay, I discuss the amount of scrutiny the media places on women’s bodies in a call to normalize real bodies, as well as reclaim ownership of one’s body.
Body Dysmorphia and Identity Interference
In the post, I explore the mental condition known as body dysmorphic disorder and the devastating impact it can have on self-image.
Debunking Damaging Diets (Eating Disorder Sensitivity)
I’m explore how you can maintain a happy, healthy, harmonious diet that is both sustainable and devoid of restriction.
Harmful Effects of Beauty Standards
With the omnipresent reach of the modern media putting constant pressure on women to conform to a certain mold of beauty, I explore some of the damage caused by Western beauty standards.
Guilt-Free Living Guaranteed (Society & Food)
In honor of International No Diet Day (May 6), I’m taking the chance to explore our society’s relationship with food.