Let’s Talk About Opioids: Challenge Your Perceptions
This post aims to de-stigmatize opioids, which are a legitimate medical treatment, while also recognizing the disease of addiction and how opioids factor into this.
Can Trauma Be Passed Down?
This blog explores trauma and the effects it has on future generations.
The Weaponization Of Therapy Terms
This post explores how manipulative people can take advantage of mental health discussions and therapy terms to get people to pity them or excuse their immoral behavior.
The Value Of Anger (Open Essay)
This is an open essay discussing my views on being angry on behalf of yourself due to discrimination and other silencing opposition. It speaks of my recent experience with discrimination. For a sample of my professional writing, please check out my other blogs.
In Response To Violence (Open Essay)
How do you deal with loss? How do you process when your whole world has been ripped from you? These are my raw thoughts on the Allen Premium Outlets shooting as a former outlet worker.
Probing The Pedant: Why Nitpicking Is Never The Answer
Constructive criticism helps people grow, but constant nitpicking affects relationships on both ends. Discover why people nitpick, how to deal with nitpicking, and why it’s unhealthy.
Can A New Trauma Therapy Repair Shattered Identity?
Trauma disrupts one’s sense of time and causes one to lose the plot of their life, but a new therapy offers hope for building a future.
Medical Gaslighting & Healthcare Stigmatization
This post explores how and why medical professionals deny a patient’s condition and refuse to offer help, as well as the difficulties women and people of color face when it comes to receiving appropriate medical care.
Do We Need A Reason To Live?
This blog examines the need for people to give their lives meaning, as some people must define their reason for existence in order to live a full life of value.
I Didn’t Kill Myself. Now What? (Life After Suicide Plans)
This post discusses how to rebuild life after suicidal ideation or plans. It is meant to offer candid hope and support.