Is Human Intimacy Dead?

Extended title: Rise of Sex Robots: Is Human Intimacy Dead? In this article I explore how technological advances can render the need for human intimacy obsolete, though they also might be useful for dealing with sexual perversions.

Technology has made some pretty tremendous, yet terrifying, leaps. AI is in the process of providing an alternative to online education that uses advanced algorithms of AI adaptive programming to created personally tailored one-on-one education programs structured to avoid education bias. And yet we’re steadily advancing to having our personal live’s Big Brother-ed as our smart devices readily spy on us and store our personal information for God knows who. While it’s widely acknowledged that technology is taking over scores of human jobs, something we’re not as hasty to admit is the real possibility of technology decreasing the need for human interaction and even human companionship in its entirety. While this concept might have made for a highly regarded episode of Black Mirror, it wouldn’t surprise me to see it creep into the real world as well. Let’s explore how we could find ourselves in this conundrum.

Here’s a question that isn’t good for those with low self-esteem. Is your significant other really with you because you are their perfect soulmate, or because you are the best that they can get? Oof. I told you that it would be rough. Think of it this way. Let’s say that Adriana Lima or Chris Hemsworth was down to get it on with your significant other. Do you really think that they would send them packing? Of course in some cases the answer is genuinely yes, they would turn them down. Some people truly value intimacy, loyalty, and trust and would decline the chance for infidelity no matter who’s doing the propositioning. But you’re lying if you don’t think many would leap on the chance to be with their “dream” date even if it means screwing over their “one and only.”

People cheat in the first place with less than ideal candidates. Looking at adults aged 18-29 who have been married in America, 11 percent of women and 10 percent of men have admitted to infidelity. This number only jumps with age, as 13 percent of women and 26 percent of men in their 70s have reported personal infidelity. And I guarantee you everyone isn’t cheating on account of the Adriana Limas of the world. (Many are unfaithful for far, far less.) Though infidelity occurs due to a variety of reasons, Psychology Today links similarity and satisfaction to cheating. Couples often match each other on key characteristics including physical attractiveness, interests, attitudes, education, income, and religious views. If couples feel like their partner is lacking in comparison, they are vulnerable to experiencing a higher level of dissatisfaction. The likelihood of this happening only intensifies since the above average effects lead to most people viewing themselves as more attractive and capable than they really are.

Now imagine that you could take your ideal physical manifestation of femininity or masculinity or whatever you fancy and see it come to life. And guess what? This object is yours for the molding. It isn’t going to spend your money or make you do chores or send you to do errands or disagree with your political beliefs or share too much personal information on Twitter or even ask for consent. You might not be sold on the concept, and I know I’m certainly not interested, but there are people out there who would jump for this opportunity to actually purchase their ideal person. Let’s cut humanity out of the equation and dig right into the good parts. Everything you want in the bedroom, when you want it, exactly how you want. (And you only have to pay for it once!) Here’s some added bonuses: zero risk of contracting sexual transmitted diseases, guaranteed avoidance of pregnancy scares. Beginning to sound more appealing?

Porn is already ruining sex standards. The “sport fucking” that makes for compelling views nary translates into real life pleasure. Neither are the bodies on screen accurate representations of who you’re likely going to match with on Tinder. Most people are nothing like the hardbodied, Patrick Bateman-approved people you see writhing around on camera. And guess what? These people are acting, though it’s going to be difficult to convince young boys with their eyes glued to the camera that this isn’t how real life sex is apt to play out. Watching porn creates such unrealistic standards and personal dissatisfaction that it is even linked to a higher divorce rate. (For the record, I am not against porn as long as it’s consensual and people understand that it’s a fantasy.)

Another reason people would be keen to cut out the human aspect of intimacy would be the inherent shame society ropes into sexuality. How many of our fetishes are closeted and repressed only to resurface in our lives in strange, sublimated ways? Though the stigma of shame surrounding sexuality is a worthy enough topic for its own dissection, let’s examine it for a moment. Female sexual shame is a cultural phenomenon, while scores of people are forced to stifle who they are, who they are attracted to, or what they really desire due to overwhelming taboo. In some societies sexual taboo is met with ridicule, while in others it provides a potent threat that could result in severe violence or death. There are other sexual scars that live on with people. Some victims of rape or sexual assault fear contact with others due to the threat of repeat violence. Others are burdened by rejection and have discarded the notion of meeting a mate, though their sexual desires live on.

A sex robot, if you will, would provide an outlet for folks to unburden their sexual repression free of witnesses. It might also have beneficial effects on society. At its core, rape isn’t about sex; it’s inherently about power. However, some individuals might feel less consumed by the need to assault if they had a human-like outlet to humor their desires. It might be a stretch, but maybe Elliot Rodger wouldn’t have went on a rampage due to his sexual entitlement and fury over his virginal status while so many he deemed unworthy were coupled up if he had his own sex robot to release his demons on. Maybe we wouldn’t have to keep hearing about men keeping women as sex slaves in their basements and garages and holes in the ground if they had a diversion. And yes, maybe pedophiles would even be less likely to attack if they were able to fulfill their fantasies on a childlike substitute.

I’m not saying that sex robots will definitively help any of these gaping societal issues. But they could potentially provide a reduction in sex-related crimes. It is of my belief that violent sexual deviance is a mental ailment that requires rehabilitation, but this is one possible solution to a larger issue that needs to be addressed. This whole discussion is reminiscent of the outcry over a Swiss company manufacturing condoms for young teens. While many were outraged that it would promote juvenile sex, it’s naive to believe that some children don’t have sex in the first place. This product was merely providing the opportunity for safety. Could sex dolls be the same kind of answer for true sexual deviance?

That draws me to the end of a discussion that could go on for quite some time. To know the answer to these question, we’re just going to have to look to the future to see where technology takes us. From a personal standpoint, I don’t believe that sex robots are going to obliterate the need for human intimacy. Nothing can replace witnessing your lover’s arousal, tasting their skin, and experiencing the hot, sticky sensation of two bodies melting together in a single animalistic act. But I do believe that sex robots will likely find their place in society. And who knows, maybe they could even prove to be beneficial.


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